There are many ways to learn. Some people are skilled book learners, classroom learners, or test takers. But these methods of learning are ineffective for many. Some learn best by doing, by giving knowledge form through applied action. This is why interactive learning using film, software, games, and simulation is so exciting.
I’ve had the opportunity to pioneer experiential learning initially on laser discs. More recently by supporting project-based learning at Wesleyan University and Coursera. Online and blended learning can break down barriers to knowledge and empower people in industry and education.
Financial Literacy in Elementary Grades
One way to engage learners is to tell stories. Real world examples or fictional narratives can create anchors for learning. Abstract ideas become tangible and relevant. Stories can become hooks on which learning rests.
Passion Driven Statistics
Learning theories suggest that learners retain information best when they discover solutions to problems and then implement those solutions. Passion-Driven Statistics introduces statistics and statistical software by encouraging students to ask questions about which they are passionate. Using massive data sets and statistical software, students design a research project of their choosing and are supported while learning to use R, Stata, Python, or SAS to find answers.